ESMOD announces the prizes in its Business Marathon
ESMOD Paris Pantin • Partenariats NEWS
The Fashion Business Marathon is an annual event that allows students from our Parisian campus to work in project mode on real problems encountered by partner companies and on both current and future issues within the sector.
The Fashion Business Marathon is an annual event that allows students from our Parisian campus to work in project mode on real problems encountered by partner companies and on both current and future issues within the sector.
Over the course of the week-long initiative, our 3rd and 4th-year students, both French and international, worked in teams on the marketing and communication issues highlighted by our partners, under the supervision of experts in the respective fields. At the end of the week, the groups pitched their strategic recommendations to the representatives of the businesses, and the best group chosen will be rewarded with the honour of seeing their ideas put into practice and a prize of the company’s choice.
A chance for our students to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their courses and to familiarise themselves with the basic notions of teamwork. They also get the opportunity to walk in the shoes of real professionals to help them better understand the operational environment and working life. Partner companies benefit from visibility among our students, from the raw insights of a generation of up-and-coming consumers, and from their innovative and disruptive ideas for dealing with the problems they face. The event will also serve as a springboard for employability, since participating companies will be in direct contact with students with a view to identifying future talents to fill their internship positions.
We are very proud to be able to collaborate every year with companies that share our educational values and are in tune not only with the current challenges facing the sector but also with those yet to come. This year’s partner companies included e-commerce platform dedicated to up-cycling fashion REVIBE UPCYCLING and digital fashion start-up DRESSX, along with heritage brand and denim specialist Lee and even Fashion Data, a company that uses data analysis to promote corporate social responsibility in the fashion industry.
Les Prix
Carla Pillet-Anquetin, Sol Akinola, Kriti Mahajan, Coline Rousseaux et Andréa Thomson
Audrey Lenoir, Daphné Bloch, Elise J., Alice Montel & Ratrilekha Deb
Giulia Dattrino, Léa WUILLAUME, Sarah Recht, Salomé Bruneau & Samia Kanaan
Hugo chevallet, Dipika Krishnan, Martina Bessi, Emilie Gagne et Su Hyeong Kim