ESMOD is still the #1 French Fashion School in CEO World’s 2021 Rankings
ESMOD Paris 9, Paris Pantin, Bordeaux, Roubaix, Rennes, Lyon • NEWS
Styliste Designer : Angeline Kurek / Photo : Maelys Thmazeau
Once again, ESMOD is on top! We are ranked the number one French fashion school by CEO World magazine for another year.
We are proud and honored to be ranked the best fashion school in France thanks to our institution’s constant efforts to offer our students a quality education that prepares them thoroughly for the rigorous demands of the fashion industry. We are recognized for our powerful curriculum, our global reach, influential network of alumni and allied industry professionals, our prestigious partnerships and our constant commitment to innovation and eco-responsible fashion. We are proud that the combination of all of these elements allows us to be a point of reference amongst fashion schools internationally.
We continue to keep fostering and developing all of these commitments in order to enable our students to be the leading voices in the next generation of the fashion industry and embark on their careers well equipped for success!
CEO WORLD Fashion School ranking 2021