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Design : Auriane Ethuin - Photo : Xavier Delfosse

Erasmus +

Design : Auriane Ethuin - Photo : Xavier Delfosse

Since 2014, ESMOD France has been a member of the ERASMUS Charter.

The ERASMUS + programme principally enables agreements to be signed between schools and universities within the European Higher Education Area, in order to organize study exchanges.

Our students will have the opportunity to complete semester exchange programs at the following universities:


As the number of exchanges is limited, a selection is made between the various applications by the Validation and Guidance Committee. (The evaluation criteria include the student’s grades, the relevance of the project, the student’s attendance record, the opinion of their tutors and overall behavior).

Please note: Our partner institutes are free to accept or refuse the applications we offer them.

  • IED, Spain (Madrid, Barcelona)
  • Polytechnic University, Spain (Madrid)
  • IED, Italy (Milan, Rome, Florence)
  • NABA, Italy (Milan)
  • University of Trier, Germany (Trier)


Styliste : Tiffany Wan - Photo : Yang Wu

Are you a student of a partner school?

You wish to take part in an exchange as part of the ERASMUS + programme or under a partnership.

For all administrative procedures, contact the person in charge of international mobility directly in your home institute.

The application file to be submitted must include:

  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • Photocopy of your passport
  • Transcript of records
  • Portfolio
Sofia Dumoulin - photo : Alexis Girard / ESMOD Roubaix 2019

Conditions and procedures


ERASMUS + exchanges are open to students in the 2nd year of the Fashion Designer course.


Exchanges are possible in the 1st or 2nd semester of the second year. An ERASMUS + exchange takes place for a minimum of 3 months.

Academic calendar:

  • 1st semester: 3rd week of September – last week of January
  • 2nd semester: last week of January – mid-June


  • For an exchange in the 1st semester, applications must be submitted before 1 May
  • For an exchange in the 2nd semester, applications must be submitted before 1 November


Please note: all classes in a program are mandatory, and it is not possible to pick and choose classes from one course or another or from one year to another.


Study exchanges through the ERASMUS + programme may qualify for ERASMUS + grants. The amounts may vary according to the country in which the exchange is carried out.

The payment of such grants is conditional on passing language tests (the teaching language of the country where the study programme is conducted) before departure (80% of the grant) and after return (20% of the grant).

Courses in the language in question are offered free of charge by the ERASMUS programme after taking the test.

Erasmus Advisor

Guillaume Thiery

Whether you are a future or current student, academic or professional, for more information on the ERASMUS + programme, please contact:
Wara Leepinowski_Les échanges ERASMUS esmodb

Wara Leepinowski

Exchange program at NABA in 2017

This exchange gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about myself. On a professional level I became open to different ways of working and learning. Being in the same class with international students was very interesting and rewarding. On a personal level I gained independence and responsibility. Living in a foreign city where you do not speak the language is not easy and you have to adapt to a new culture. It opened me up to the international world of work.

“Fashion Designer” Undergraduate Program

ESMOD Paris - promo 2018

Erasmus charter

Benefiting from extensive experience of international exchanges within its own worldwide network, ESMOD France is pleased to announce that it has been selected by the European Commission to be part of the ERASMUS programme for 2014/2020. Far more than an exchange programme between the leading signatory grandes écoles and universities of the 34 participating countries, ERASMUS is part of the broad policy of harmonization and recognition of diplomas and training in higher education throughout Europe, and beyond.

ESMOD is therefore committed to respecting and promoting the ERASMUS charter.

An essential stage, signing the Charter was the first step in the programme. ERASMUS exchange programmes (both students and staff) will be organized within the framework of agreements signed between the grandes écoles and universities that have adhered to the Charter.

Download the ERASMUS charter
Design : Auriane Ethuin - Photo : Xavier Delfosse