The project initiated by the Fashion Cube consortium, led by Liz Simon (Cheif Sustainable Transformation Officer at FashionCube) and Bertrand Morgane (Trends Detection Transformation Leader at FashionCube) organized its grand finale on the Happy Chic premises on October 19th.
This project was entrusted to our 2nd year students in Fashion Design and Fashion Business of ESMOD Roubaix. These students pooled their skills and knowledge for this beautiful project and came up with concrete solutions to enhance the value of unsold inventory from each of the brands who are members of the consortium: Jules, Rouge Gorge Lingerie, Pimkie, Tape à L’œil enfant, Orsay , Grain de Malice et Bizzbee. In an effort to reduce carbon footprints, they call for redesigning, redistributing, communicating and reducing. The call to action: “let’s not throw away any more!”
The awards for the 3 best projects are as follows:
1st prize: 3,000€
Brand : Rouge Gorge Lingerie
Constance Baux, Theau Verheyde and Chloé Wery
2nd prize: 1,600€
Brand : Grain de Malice
Calliopée Allard, Marine Capelle and Valentine Kadic
3rd Prize: 1,300€
Brand : Jules
Chloé Delecolle, Clara Duhamel, Rosalie Moncho, Lison Pille
Congratulations to all of the students who worked on these exciting projects and to their professors who supervised their research!