ESMOD Fashion Business Presents the Class of 2021
ESMOD Lyon, Paris Pantin, Roubaix, Bordeaux • NEWS
The ESMOD Fashion Business Class of 2021 passes their final thesis presentations with flying colors!
Jury ESMOD Fashion Business
The ESMOD Fashion Business Class of 2021 passes their final thesis presentations with flying colors!
ESMOD Fashion Business’ Class of 2021 went before a panel of industry professionals to present their final thesis projects this past November at our Paris Pantin campus. The graduation speaker and “parrain,” Yann RIVOLLAN, is co-founder of The Other Store and a board member of the French Federation of Women’s Ready-to-Wear. He, along with the other members of the jury were thoroughly impressed by this graduating class and their thesis projects. For our 3rd year students in the Head of Marketing & Communications Strategy in the Fashion Industry undergraduate program, the subject of which was to invent and simulate the launch of a new product for an existing brand or a collaboration. On the other hand, students in the Manager of International Development in Fashion and Luxury Industries post-graduate program, were tasked with studying and analyzing a fashion, luxury or lifestyle company and coming up with managerial recommendations.
Our graduates from ESMOD Fashion Business Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon and Roubaix are now preparing to enter the job market and make a name for themselves in the industry industry. We wish them nothing but success in their careers and in the next chapter of their lives!